Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change Through the use f Mkombozi Improved Stove.
Fuel consumption accounts as one of the biggest drivers of deforestation in rural areas of Tanzania primarily for cooking. Biomass accounts for 97.6% of energy supply while 95.4% of this biomass consumer centres are household for cooking.
With the funding from Bread for the World/Protestant development Services- Germany, SMECAO implemented phase 7 of UWEZO project FY 2013/2016, one of the project component targeted at reducing household fuel wood consumption by a half.
Mkombozi Fuel Efficient stove intervention was introduced into two new wards of Kisiwani and Lembeni as one of approached towards curbing fuel wood consumption. On implementation of this intervention mass awareness meetings for selection of Trainer of Trainee (TOT’s) and community sensitization of using of Mkombozi stove as climate change mitigation and adaptation tool were conducted. TOT’s of Mkombozi Stove were given both theoretical and practical trainings on Mkombozi stove construction and management and final Market exhibition of the stove were conducted for social marketing the stove to be sellable.
A total of 48 TOT’s were trained on Mkombozi stove construction on which a total of 972 household stove were constructed in Kisiwani and Lembeni ward while remaining with 528 stove to reach set target.
By using the Mkombozi Improved stove 972 households have achieved to reduce fuel wood consumption from 7,776 m3 to 3,888m3 per six month of use.
Apart from reducing fuel wood consumption by a half, by constructing stove TOT’s were able to earn income as they transformed skills acquired to self employment.
For instance, Mr. Jackson Rajabu was one of the TOT’s trained on Mkombozi stove construction, as from April -Sept he achieve to construct a total of 174 stoves in Lembeni Ward and as far as Moshi, Kibaha and Mwanga with the price ranging from 15,000 for household stove to 150,000 for institution to earn a total of 6, 0800,000 Tshs in six month.
Users have expressed their immersed praises of the stove, in naming few; the stove can cook two foods at once since it has two plates, it has reduced indoor pollutions as proven by hospital report that ARI cases among PLHIV has been reduced from 311 to 230 cases from March to Sept in Lembeni Ward. It has also reduces women and girls workload from fuel wood collection giving them ample time to do other duties and using metamorphic rocks as insulator the stove can keep and hold heat for long time.